Infodezastre RO

Infodezastre RO

Proiect suspendat la data de 30.05.2022 din lipsa finantarii

Infodezastre este un dispecerat ce vine in ajutorul categoriilor defavorizate ale populatiei, categorii ce sunt expuse dezastrelor naturale si schimbarilor climatice. Dispeceratul este proiectat si dezvoltat de catre Asociatia Seismic Center ASAR in parteneriat cu colaboratorii sai. Proiectul este finantat din fonduri proprii si din donatiile persoanelor fizice care ne sprijina activitatea. Dispeceratul este compus din platforma electronica, platforma Call Center, platforma juridica de actiune pentru sprijinul nevoilor si problemelor cetatenilor din categoriile defavorizate.

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Infodezastre is a dispatcher that comes to the aid of disadvantaged categories of the population, categories that are exposed to natural disasters and climate change. The dispatcher is designed and developed by the ASAR Seismic Center Association in partnership with its collaborators. The project is financed from own funds and from donations from individuals who support our activity. The dispatch office is composed of the electronic platform, the Call Center platform, the legal action platform to support the needs and problems of disadvantaged citizens.

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